Thursday, 17 January 2013

New Year Blues - some Seasonal thoughts

Some random Seasonal thoughts:
With the on-set of Real Winter ( minus 10 in the north), it's time to set the clock on the crocuses & consider re-emergence.
Such low quiet times can only help regeneration and seem to be nature's enforced respite from the whirligig world during the rest of the year.
January is a time to take stock as well as a time for re-birth; for looking back, e.g. to friends and relatives gone in 2012 (October was a dark month) and peering forward to new hopes and dreams to be pursued in 2013.
Pointing the way (if one's alert enough to spot them, there are often sign-posts):
On December 15th I introduced Deryn Rees-Jones's newest collection of poems 'Burying the Wren' to Indian King Poetry Group in Camelford - (the Poetry Soc. local stanza to which I belong).
The book was up for the 2012 T.S. Eliot Prize (didn't win, sadly) - and whilst its principal theme may appear to be grief and loss, it also necessarily considers the future.
So whilst I'll inevitably go back to digging around in my roots, like some old wodwo, I'll also peer up at the sky and venture out into the blue, with new songs, new poems, new paintings e.g. the Gumbo Flyers require a new cajun waltz for the next rehearsal in a week's time... time to dance....
HNY, toute le monde......